Sound in Film
Non - Diegetic - doesn't happen on screen
- Voice over
- Additional music/ soundtrack/ score
- hyper real - exaggerated like a heartbeat
Diegetic - within the diegesis of the film
- Dialogue
- Ambient sound scape
- Background sound
Diegesis - the films world
Diegetic audience - an audience within a film
Contrapuntal sound
- music that clashes with the onscreen action, creating a particular effect on the audience
- rhythm
- instrumentation
- harmonies
- tone/key
- major key = happy
- minor key = sad
- timbre = mood of piece (kind of)
- whats the spectator response
- crescendo and diminuendo
- Pitch - high or low
- Dynamics - big/small soft/harsh
- musical motif - short repeated pattern of music
- leitmotif - a reoccuring theme throughout associated with a particular person or idea
- voice over gives to much exposition
- can help us to emphasise with a character e.g red in Shawshank
- Thin Red Line uses voice over and music
- omniscient feel
- Voice overs make you think
Synchronous and Asynchronous
- sound that matches what we see on screen
- sounds not matched with a visible source
- Dissonance - unpleasant sounds lacking harmony
- Sound bridge - where sound carries over from one scene to the next
- Ambient sound - sounds of given location
- Sound scape - a sound or combination of sounds arising from a particular environment
- background music - less noticeable
- Diegetic/ non diegetic
- Apocalypse Now opening scene
- Foley artists - sound effects like foot steps - creating sounds that are diegetic
- Berberian sound studio film
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