Sets HW
Frit lang
FW Murnau
Tim Burton
- Expressionist (German expressionism)
- Naturalism
Expressionism in film
- Originated in Europe in the 1920's
- Artistic genre seen as rejection of western conventions such as the wealth gap and capitalism
- Depicted a widely distorted reality
E.g Metropolis 1927, Fritz Lang - German Expressionist film critiquing western capitalism, depicting a surreal world where the working class literally live and work below the upper class who live in the glorious utopia above, built by the oppressed working class who work tirelessly. This is all seen through the love struck son of the architect of the utopia, who witnesses the injustices the working class endure.
F. W. Murnau's Nosferatu 1922 - German Expressionist horror film and take on Dracula, extremely influential and just a tad anti semitic - heavy use of shadows to set gloomy and gothic mood
Tim Burton - Uses german expressionism in his films in a modern way
- He uses dark stylised sets inspired by older German expressionist films as well as heavy use of shadows and extreme contrast between light and dark
- Other German expressionist uses in Tim Burton films: chiaroscuro, shadows, surrealism, geometrical and angular sets, brooding and mysterious characters, smart plots
- In Sweeney Todd Tim Burton uses slanting angles, harsh shadows and disproportiante windows to portray madness and alienation from society
Naturalism: is a movement in European drama and theatre that developed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It refers to theatre that attempts to create an illusion of reality through a range of dramatic and theatrical strategies. Uses hyper realism, as if presenting real life , very minimal including minimalist acting - no over acting - came with the emergence of talkies - tackled themes in a very realist way

Frit lang
FW Murnau
Tim Burton
- Expressionist (German expressionism)
- Naturalism
Expressionism in film
- Originated in Europe in the 1920's
- Artistic genre seen as rejection of western conventions such as the wealth gap and capitalism
- Depicted a widely distorted reality
E.g Metropolis 1927, Fritz Lang - German Expressionist film critiquing western capitalism, depicting a surreal world where the working class literally live and work below the upper class who live in the glorious utopia above, built by the oppressed working class who work tirelessly. This is all seen through the love struck son of the architect of the utopia, who witnesses the injustices the working class endure.
F. W. Murnau's Nosferatu 1922 - German Expressionist horror film and take on Dracula, extremely influential and just a tad anti semitic - heavy use of shadows to set gloomy and gothic mood
Tim Burton - Uses german expressionism in his films in a modern way
- He uses dark stylised sets inspired by older German expressionist films as well as heavy use of shadows and extreme contrast between light and dark
- Other German expressionist uses in Tim Burton films: chiaroscuro, shadows, surrealism, geometrical and angular sets, brooding and mysterious characters, smart plots
- In Sweeney Todd Tim Burton uses slanting angles, harsh shadows and disproportiante windows to portray madness and alienation from society
Naturalism: is a movement in European drama and theatre that developed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It refers to theatre that attempts to create an illusion of reality through a range of dramatic and theatrical strategies. Uses hyper realism, as if presenting real life , very minimal including minimalist acting - no over acting - came with the emergence of talkies - tackled themes in a very realist way

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