Popular narrative theories

Vladimir Propp was a Russian and Soviet formalist scholar

- Analysed plot components of Russian folk tales to identify their basic narrative elements
- 31 plot elements - which he called functions

Prop's 8 character types - one character can fill multiple roles
- Villain
- Helper
- Princess or prize
- Farther
- Donor - Some one who gives something to the hero to help them
- Hero
- False hero
- Dispatcher - who sends the hero on their quest

Fish tank 8 character types
- Villain = Connor / Joanne
- Helper = Billy (dance, music)
- Princess/ prize = Billy, Freedom
- Farther = Connor, Joanne
- Donor = Connor, Billy
- Hero = Mia - she is the protagonist
- False Hero = Connor, Val
- Dispatcher = Connor, Mias friend  - causes her to confide and befriend Connor as she feels alienated

- Billy's white horse symbolises him as a knight in shining armour - showing him to be the hero and Mia to be the damsel in distress/ princess

Todorov's equilibrium theory
1) Normality
2) Disruption by event
3) Realisation of the disruption
4) Attempt to repair the disruption
5) Restoration of equilibrium

Fish tank equilibrium theory
1) Normality = living in the council estate, practicing dance
2) Disruption = Connors arrival and flirtation with Mia
3) Realisation of the disruption = After the sex when Connor leaves next morning
4) Attempt to repair damage = Going to find Connor
5) Restoration of equilibrium = Mia leaves with Billy to Wales

Action + Enigma codes - Roland Barthes
- Action codes: What will happen next e.g. she falls over, will he catch her?
- Enigma codes: The audience question why... e.g. Why is there a shoe on the floor?

Fishtank enigma codes
- Who is Mias real farther
- What is Connors real identity

Image result for three act structure
3 Act Structure 
Act 1) Setup
Act 2) Confrontation
Act 3) Resolution

Act 1)

- Beginning = normal life on the council etstae - Head butt - equilibrium
- Inciting incident = Connors arrival
- Second thoughts = Confrontation w/ travellers
- Climax of Act one = Connor puts Mia into bed

Act 2)

- Obstacle = River scene - Connor as farther or lover
- Obstacle = Mia witnesses Joanne and Conner have sex
- Midpoint = Connor and Mia have sex

- Obstacle = exit Connor
- Obstacle = She finds him - he drives her back to the station
- Crisis = Connor has a daughter - Connors secret suburban life
- Act 2 climax = Mia takes Keira

Act 3)

- Climax - Connor hits Mia
- Obstacle = dance audition
- Denouement = dance w/ Joanne  death of horse
- End = Mia leaves w/ Billy

Connor is...

Atavistic =
  1. relating to or characterized by reversion to something ancient or ancestral.

    "atavistic fears and instincts"

- He acts on his instincts
- Syd Field
- The Hero's Journey - Joseph camel - Dark night of the soul


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