Tomato scene (WNTAK)

- The film opens on a frame from near the ending of the films - cyclical structure
- The camera slowly pushes in on the pale white curtains that blow loosely in the wind - ghostly connotations = haunted by guilt
- Accompanying this cinematography is two equally haunting sounds played over each other; the constant spitting of the water sprinkler that seems to mimic the ticking of a clock building suspense as the camera slowly pushes in; with the ghostly cries or chants that fade in and out that are asynchronous and non dietetic - just indistinguishable enough to withhold what the chants or cries mean but distinguishable enough to add a haunting feeling as it sounds like the distant cries or chants of children - inescapable guilt and or trauma - the teenagers in the gym before Kevin killed them practicing cheerleading or something similar; therefore Eva imagining the events, haunted by them - The sprinkler could also be mimicking Eva's intensifying heart beat as she walks closer to the balcony
- Mise en scene: Most of the frame is shrouded in darkness drawing attention to the faint moon light coming through the curtains leading into the balcony - focusing our attention on it we move towards it (it also centred in the frame as well being the only moving object in the frame slowly drawing us towards it with lighting, movement, cinematography) this lighting makes it appear ghostly
- The white blowing curtains could also connote religion as it connotes angelic imagery or religious garment giving this scene biblical importance - juxtaposes this heavenly angelic imagery with haunting sounds and the hellish image on the other side by the end of the film - there is however a bluish tint
- As we move into the curtains the frame turns white as tho it is to painful to remember what is on the other side, the sprinkler sound intensifies as tho the clock is running towards building intensity and anticipation to know whats on the other side; a high pitch sound appears below the other two layers of sound as we come even closer and the framer fades whiter, this sounds grows in intensity building to a crescendo as the screen turns white and we are met with a loud thud as tho mimicking the thud of Eva's heart beat when she sees what on the other side

-Very soon after the crescendo the previously white frame is juxtaposed by a mass of reddish bodies - foreshadowing the blood shed of what Eva sees next (revealed at the end of the scene)
- This opening shot of the tomato scene is a over head scene showing the sheer mass of bodies covered in red, again foreshadowing the massacre that Kevin perpetrates
- The sound also dramatically changes to the deafening cries of the masses of people (also possibly foreshadowing the massacre) as well as highly juxtaposing the ticking sprinkler  
- Its also slow motion - to do with how she's remembering this - she's remembering it in a distorted way - Also shows the near orgastic joy she feels as time feels as tho to slow for her - wishing to be back in a care free time but even this is marred by the massacre and guilt she feels, the violent chaos of the scene again foreshadowing and showing how her fantasies have been tainted by the massacre as something so joyful reminds her of death, mirroring of meaningless joy with meaningless death (La Tomatina is a festival for pure joy) - slowing down time in an attempt to make this fantasy last longer + slowing down time shows her inescapable guilt at this violent event (/the massacre)
- 2:20 Eva is lifted in the air as tho worshipped in a medium shot, showing the arms from a low angle lifting her above
- 2:34 heavy religious imagery, likening Eva to Jesus with her arms spread out - however shows her being persecuted as it as tho she is being carried to the cross - she has sacrificed herself in some way as a mother for her son - in this flipped interpretation of the biblical tale Kevin (jesus) avoids persecution but Eva (the virgin Mary) is persecuted instead for the sins of the people showing the sacrifices she has made for motherhood - more specifically what she has sacrificed is this more care free lifestyle
- This comparison to Jesus is also made with Kevin, as near the end if the film he also strikes a jesus on the cross pose; this strongly links the two, perhaps showing Kevin to mock Eva's interpretation of herself as a jesus like figure that has sacrificed  so much
- 2:50 she is then thrown to the crowd (comparatively jesus is nailed and hung on a cross) and covered with tomato - the tomato is blood like showing how people have persecuted Eva for her sons sins as guilt is violently kicked at her, she has suffered for her sons sins and perhaps the sins of the people implied by how they persecute her - she is covered in the blood/ tomato by people violently kicking and throwing it on her showing how people mounted guilt onto Eva
- Sound of drums asynchronous/ hyper real enforces a ritualistic feeling possibly creating religious connotations to go along with the biblical imagery
- 2:43 the sound becomes asynchronous and non diegetic as chaotic talking goes over the drums and constantly fluctuating vuvuzela that becomes a high pitched fluctuating sound that makes the viewer uneasy


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